23 Halifaxes from 408 and 419 Squadrons were joined by 33 Wellingtons from 426, 428, 429, 431, and 432 Squadrons on an attack at Essen. The crews were over the target at between 14,000 and 19,000 feet, releasing 97,000 lbs of high explosives and 134,000 lbs of incendiaries. According to reports, the target was cloud covered and bombing was scattered.
F/Sgt K. Greig RAAF–POW and crew from 408 Squadron, flying Halifax II DT-674 coded EQ-A, failed to return from this operation.
W/O2 W. Neuman RCAF–POW F/O C. Vogel RCAF–POW Sgt W. Ivor RCAF–POW F/Sgt J. Veys RCAF W/O2 J. Comeau RCAF
F/O C. MacIntosh and crew from 419 Squadron flying Halifax II JD-158 coded VR-D were attacked three times by an ME-110, there was no claim or damage. They were also hit by flak. The stbd and port inner were u/s. There were many holes throughout the wings and fuselage. They landed safely at Coltishall on 2 engines.
Sgt F. Stuart from 426 Squadron was hit by flak, there were holes in the port propeller, wing, fuselage, and tail.
Sgt W. Lachman RCAF and crew, flying Wellington X MS-481 coded NA-Q, from 428 Squadron had the stbd engine go u/s over the target. On return they were hit by flak damaging the aircraft. The port engine was also acting up. The crew ditched in the North Sea near Grimsby and sank within 2 minutes.
Sgt R. Askew RAF Sgt E. Marchand RCAF F/Sgt A. O'Rourke RCAF W/O2 D. Thompson RCAF and crew, flying Wellington X HZ-485 coded NA-G, failed to return from this operation.
F/Sgt G. Hart RCAF Sgt K. Chilvers RAF F/Sgt G. O’Hara RCAF
Sgt J. Pendleton from 429 Squadron returned early as the instruments
were u/s.
Sgt W. Eaglesham from 431 Squadron was hit by flak, not serious.
Sgt A. Steen from 432 Squadron returned early as the pilot’s escape
hatch blew off.
F/O J. Farnham RCAF P/O R. Murray RCAF W/O2 A. Bailey RCAF