September 6, 1944

    138 Lancasters and Halifaxes from 419, 420, 424, 427, 428, 429, 432, 433, and 434 squadrons attacked Emden in daylight from between 16,000 and 19,000 feet. A total of 915,000 lbs of ordinance was released. Bombing was accurate and several ships in the harbour were sunk.

    F/Lt. W. McGuffin, P/O A. Cohen, 1st/Lt. J. Hartshorn, F/O J. Anderson, W/O2 L. McDonald, F/O J. Bell, and F/O W. Barclay from 419 squadron were hit by flak, not seriously, and all returned safely to base.

    F/O C. Bennett from 420 squadron was hit by flak, there was damage to the nose and mid-upper turret.

    F/O L. Kagna from 428 squadron was hit by flak, aircraft sustained damage to the front turret.
    F/Lt. W. Janney was also hit by flak, aircraft was holed in the wings, fuselage, and tail plane. Stbd inner engine was also u/s but crew returned safely to base.

    F/O J. Lakeman of 429 squadron lost the stbd inner engine outbound. Crew bombed and returned safely on 3 engines.

    F/O J. Mills of 432 squadron was hit by flak. Damage was not serious.

    P/O W. Watson of 433 squadron had an engine go u/s outbound. Crew carried on and returned safely on 3 engines.