June 11/12, 1943
51 Halifaxes from 408, 419, and 427 Squadrons were joined by 63 Wellingtons
from 426, 428, 429, 431, and 432 Squadrons on an attack at Dusseldorf.
The crews were over the target at between 12,000 and 15,000 feet, releasing
145,000 lbs of high explosives and 275,000 lbs of incendiaries. According
to reports, severe damage was caused to this target.
Sgt S. Ells from 408 Squadron returned early with a technical problem.
Sgt T. Thould returned early as the oxygen system was u/s.
F/O A. Whiston was hit by flak, not serious.
Sgt R. Burns had the port outer catch fire outbound. They put the fire
out, bombed and returned safely to base on 3 engines.
P/O A. Grant RCAF
and crew, flying Halifax II JB-972 coded EQ-Q, failed to return from this
Sgt K. Stentiford RAF–POW
P/O R. Carter RCAF–POW
F/Sgt M. Laloge RCAF–POW
W/O2 A. Powell RCAF
F/Sgt J. Lang RCAF
3 crew were killed and 4 POWs after they were shot down by flak.
Sgt R. Harrison from 419 Squadron returned early as the intercom was
P/O M. Ludlow returned early as the intercom and rear turret were u/s.
P/O B. Heintz, S/Ldr C. Harris, and Sgt A. Austin were hit by flak,
not serious.
Sgt B. Kirkham returned early as the pitot head was frozen.
F/O F. Williams returned early due to severe icing.
F/O J. Tyler returned early as the port outer was u/s. They landed
safely at base on 3 engines.
F/O W. Boyce RCAF
and crew, flying Halifax II JD-143 coded VR-A, failed to return from this
W/O1 H. Tripp RCAF
Sgt D. Stewart RAF–POW
F/O D. Black RAF–POW
Sgt D. Chambers RAF
Sgt R. Hall RCAF–POW
Sgt J. Gray RCAF–POW
3 were killed and 5 POWs after being shot down by flak.
Sgt L. Archibald from 426 Squadron was hit by flak, the fuel tanks were
holed. They landed at Hardwick on return due to low fuel.
Sgt W. Duerr returned early as an engine was u/s. They landed safely
at base on one engine.
P/O N. Hayes RCAF
and crew, flying Wellington X HZ-261 coded OW-L, failed to return from
this operation.
F/O J. Rawson RCAF
F/Sgt D. Richardson RCAF
F/Sgt C. Schamehorn RCAF
F/Sgt D. MacKenzie RCAF
All were lost without a trace.
F/Sgt F. Higgins from 427 Squadron returned early as they were too late
getting away.
F/O L. Colquhoun was hit by flak, not serious. They landed at Oulton
where they were hit by a Wellington from 431 Squadron. The crew was not
Sgt W. Lachman RCAF and crew, flying Wellington X HE-322 coded NA-J,
from 428 Squadron crashed on takeoff.
F/Sgt J. Jette RCAF
Sgt R. Askew RAF
F/Sgt E. Marchand RCAF
F/Sgt M. Scullion RCAF
All were killed except the pilot.
P/O W. Ross, Sgt A. Mitchell, and P/O J. Lambert landed at Croft on
P/O D. McDonald landed at Coltishall on return.
Sgt S. Bruce from 429 Squadron returned early as the port engine was
u/s. They landed safely on one engine at Great Ashfield.
Sgt E. Eames was hit by flak, the tail was damaged.
F/O R. Davies RCAF
and crew, flying Wellington X HF-542 coded AL-O, failed to return from
this operation.
F/Sgt D. Campbell RCAF
F/Sgt R. Zeidel RCAF
W/O2 L. Taillefer RCAF
F/Sgt A. MacLachlan RCAF
All were killed after being shot down by a Nightfighter.
F/Sgt R. Conroy RCAF–Evd and crew, flying Wellington X HE-593 coded
AL-Z, failed to return from this operation.
Sgt G. Leitch RCAF
P/O G. Densmore RCAF
W/O2 G. Nelson RCAF
Sgt J. Burns RCAF
4 crew killed and one evaded after being shot down by a Nightfighter.
F/Sgt R. Ellison RAF
and crew, flying Wellington X HZ-355 coded AL-G, failed to return from
this operation.
Sgt W. Bailey RCAF–Evd
Sgt H. Horton RAF–POW
Sgt E. Nicholson RAF–POW
Sgt W. Mullaney RAF–POW
3 crew were POWs, one evaded and one killed after being shot down by a
F/Sgt J. Morton from 431 Squadron returned early as the fuel cap blew
Sgt H. Apperley and crew, flying Wellington X HF-543 coded SE-P collided
with a 427 Squadron Halifax at Oulton ,writing off the Wellington.
F/O W. Coleman RAF
P/O A Perman RAF
Sgt B. Trew RAF
Sgt G. Lilley RAF
The crew was not hurt.
Sgt W. Eaglesham RAF
and crew, flying Wellington X HE-184 coded SE-M, failed to return from
this operation.
P/O L. Long RAF
F/Sgt H. McAusland RAF
Sgt J. Burrow RAF
Sgt B. Stepenson RAF
All were killed when they crashed into the sea.
S/Ldr W. Mulford RAF
and crew, flying Wellington X HE-392 coded SE-L, failed to return from
this operation.
F/O C. MacDougall RCAF
W/O2 J. Breen RCAF
Sgt J. Bell RAF
F/Sgt E. Rheaume RCAF
All were killed when they crashed into the sea.
Sgt A. Steen from 432 Squadron returned early as the hydraulics were
Sgt R. Burgess returned early as the pilot’s escape hatch blew off.
Sgt J. McLeod landed at Newmarket on return.
Sgt W. Meaden had just landed from this operation when the rear gunner,
Sgt D. Kelly RCAF
came forward from the outside and was struck by the propeller. He was seriously
injured and sadly died the following morning.
F/Lt L. Bourgeois RCAF
and crew, flying Wellington X HE-729 coded QO-U, failed to return from
this operation.
F/Sgt J. Philpott RCAF
F/O G. McClintock RCAF
P/O H. Warner RCAF
F/Sgt D. McRae RCAF
All were lost without a trace.
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